Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Accident on Hwy 2000

Hello folks,
Sorry I have not blogged in awhile. I was going to post pictures of pigeon Island (its a small island off the cost of Rocky Point). But I thought I might post pictures of the accident I was in few weeks ago.
Well it all started when my father wanted me to tag along with him to Kingston to pick something up. Its was about 7 pm the sun was just going down. So off we went in his X5 to Kingston.

So as we were driving along the Hwy 2000 (its a toll hwy) going towards Kingston. It was already dark by then and if you know Jamaica there are no street lights. So was were driving I saw a bright light in the distance. As we got closer it looked like a bike or a car going the wrong direction on the Highway. So I told my father to watch out for the light. My father motion the car to the left, (Jamaica drives on the left side) toward the shoulder of the road and towards the light! And then before he could do anything we saw we heading right towards the rear end of a tractor trailer. We were going too fast to stop. So after screaming like a little girl (lucky I didn't pee my-self), the only thing we could do is brace for impact.

Everything was just a blur after that. We hit the trailer so hard that half of the X5 was under the trailer. Luckily we weren't hurt (note: seat belts saves lives). But the X5 was a wright-off. The only way we could get the X5 out was to let all the air out of the front tires and the trailer had to drive up on a make-shift ramp and as the trailer drove off my father had to hold the brakes down in the X5. Then after some ripping and sounds of metal tearing off and what was left of the radiator the X5 was free. Damn it was a mess. But at least no one was seriously hurt. And that light we saw was a working light. The tractor trailer had a flat and the driver was using the light to fix the flat. But they had no warning lights on. No parking lights. Nothing but that damn working light. Surprisinly there was no damage to the tractor trailer. So after police investigation and getting a tow-truck I got home 3 hrs later. And of course I didn't bring my camera to record this experience. Here are some pictures I took after the accident.

So what did we learn here kids:
1. Don't listen to your father when he says "don't worry we will be right back, you don't need to change". I was wearing a tank top, shorts and sippers. We were stuck out there for 3 hrs and I was bitten by mosquitoes on every exposed part of my body.
2. Always bring your camera you never know when you will need it.
3. Seat belts save lives.
4. Always remember to have a working flashlight and a first aid kit (with mosquito repellent) in the car.
5. You don't see your life flash before your eyes when you think your life is going to end, but you do hear your self scream like a little girl. At least I was man enough not to pee in my pants.
6. Be thankful of every moment of your life you never know when it will be your last.
7. When you see a light on the highway this is the only time you tell someone (if your not driver) not to follow the light.

Next post: Pigeon Island....

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap Kevin! Just read your blog properly. Relieved you and your Dad were OK. The photos look awful!
